Who we are
Welcome to LifeChurch! We are a church planting in the heart of Nassau County on Long Island. We are finding that people have been coming to us for a variety of reasons. Some people come here because they want to be part of a joyful work of God. Some come because of our genuine, intimate worship. Some come because they appreciate insightful and practical teaching from the Bible. Some come because they are worn out, or have been hurt by other churches, and they just need a place to rest, and heal, while surrounded by people who will love and accept them. All of these are good reasons to come, and we hope you will, and that you will find you are welcome here!
Helping people find their place in God’s story
God is filling all of existence with life and love so that in the end He will be all in all.
God wants to fill His church with life and love so that we can pour it out everywhere we go!
Use your unique God-given SHAPE to help fill our world with God’s life and love!
CHRIST is the center of who we are and the motivation for all that we do.
WORSHIP in a vibrant and relevant style that reaches our modern culture.
COMMUNITY of love and acceptance where we can encounter the presence of God.
GRACE oriented and not issues oriented. Essentials Unity…Non-Essentials Liberty!
SERVE the poor and needy in both the church and our local communities.
PARTNER with local churches & leaders to promote unity, service & evangelism.
Bible: We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and it is the foundation for everything we do and believe.
God: We believe that there is one God existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus: We believe that Jesus was 100% God being 100% human. Jesus showed us who God really is, and how we were really created to live. Jesus offered his perfect life on the cross to God on behalf of the entire human family. He then resurrected from the dead as a final confirmation of His power over all things (even death itself).
Humans: We were created for an amazing relationship with God, self, and others (Mark 12:28-31). The first humans broke their relationship with God by trying to find their fulfillment in creation instead of the Creator. By breaking their relationship with God they experienced physical, emotional, and spiritual death. This disconnection with God also had a deteriorating effect on their relationship with self, others, and even our planet. Today, no one is ‘good enough’ to have eternal life with a perfect God (Rom 3:23).
Salvation: We believe salvation is a gift of God received through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:8). There is no other name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12).
Baptism: We believe that baptism is a command of God for everyone who comes to faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that through baptism, we put our old self to death and just as Christ raised from the dead, we are raised out of the waters of baptism into the newness of life (Matt 3:15, Acts 2:38, Rom 6:1-4).
Church: We believe the Church isn’t the building or an event that happens on Sunday morning. The Church is a community of believers who are committed to loving and helping each other endure the battles of life and to stay faithful till the end. It’s God’s family that He calls us to love and forgive each other in the same way that He loves and forgives us.
Cross Centered: We are for Jesus! We are saved by Jesus! May we be defined by what we are for and not by what we are against!