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Little LifeChurch!

In Matthew 18, Jesus talks about the Little children and the Kingdom of heaven. That the little children see the face of the angels in heaven and that the greatest in His Kingdom, are those who have the faith of a child.

At LifeChurch we have a Children's Sunday School and upcoming activity nights for those who would like to come! Little LifeChurch are "little ones" from ages 1-15.

We encourage everyone to grow in their faith no matter how young and freely be themselves! 


Children's Game Day Flyer .png
Colorful Pompoms


Every Sunday we have Little LifeChurch Sunday School! This is during Sunday Service after Worship and Communion (children will stay with parents for the first half of service so they can adjust and feel comfortable, joining in worship!) These classes are led by 2-3 church members who are here to support young minds and hearts to follow Jesus while also supporting parents as they can rest and receive God's Word. 

Questions? Email us here!

HOW are we teaching? What are the activities?



Each week we have a different focus! To start, we like to focus on education through reading and videos to introduce the topic! Throughout the month we integrate art, movements, and games of all kinds to help us all remember the teachings. But most importantly, we allow the children to have a safe space to talk, ask questions and be themselves. 

April 2024

WHAT is our teaching focus this month?

Armor of God!​

This month we are focusing on the Armor of God from Ephesians 6! We are looking at each piece and how we can put on God's armor today!

WHY are we teaching?

WHY the Armor of God?

Protection and Wisdom!


First, we run this Sunday School because God's love and Kingdom is for all regardless of our age. Second, it is to plant a seed of hope and of Jesus' love and lessons that will absolutely be needed as children grow up.

We are focusing on the Armor of God because we as children of God need protection. We need God's wisdom to guide our lives to make decisions and face hardships in life. We get the blessing of teaching children the Word of God while they are young. 

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